Thirty seconds couldn't have passed between her arrival and Nemo's at home, and they might as well have been the longest seconds of her life. She moved only far enough from the fireplace that they wouldn't immediately crash into one another, but even then he still nearly stumbled on her skirts. Penny wasted no time in hugging him once more, her hands flat against his back. Never again would she consider sailing on a ship that far from Nemo again.
"Thank you for being here." She murmured. "I wasn't sure if you would be and Harley ... Harley wouldn't understand, I don't think." Harley would have just escorted her home and gone back to Irvingly, he wouldn't have thought about Penny alone in their big (for one person) Bartonburg home.
"Thank you for being here." She murmured. "I wasn't sure if you would be and Harley ... Harley wouldn't understand, I don't think." Harley would have just escorted her home and gone back to Irvingly, he wouldn't have thought about Penny alone in their big (for one person) Bartonburg home.