To his great dismay she didn't move to investigate the window seat but instead focused solely on him which normally would be exactly what he wanted but he'd hoped she'd step away and give him the chance to retrieve the ring and get himself otherwise composed to finally do the thing. It wasn't as though he needed a lot of time but he'd much rather do it without being watched in case he didn't fish it out of his pocket smoothly enough for his own liking.
It was neither here nor there though for she suddenly had him by the hands and it was unexpected enough that he failed to hold back a small wince of pain. "It pleases you then?" It pleased him very much to be holding her hands but he couldn't truly appreciate the gesture at that moment when he was so distracted. He was starting to feel a burning sensation which he first put down to heartburn but quickly realized it was in the wrong place for that. Hopefully he wasn't bleeding.
It was neither here nor there though for she suddenly had him by the hands and it was unexpected enough that he failed to hold back a small wince of pain. "It pleases you then?" It pleased him very much to be holding her hands but he couldn't truly appreciate the gesture at that moment when he was so distracted. He was starting to feel a burning sensation which he first put down to heartburn but quickly realized it was in the wrong place for that. Hopefully he wasn't bleeding.