The taut muscles, while obscured through the infuriating layer of clothes between them, were a startling difference from the soft curves of women. Dory didn't dislike the change so much as he wasn't sure where his legs were supposed to go. With women, he would tuck one between her skirts and the other outside it to help provide her with friction, but Greengrass didn't need any such friction. And to shift their legs ran the risk of pain for them both. Dory wasn't against pain (liked it even, sometimes) but pain would be a distraction. A reason to stop.
He never wanted to stop.
Dory pulled at the back layers of his clothes, desperate for the warmth of skin against his hand. The end result was a messy mix of half tucked clothing and only the slightest bit of skin available to him. He hummed his annoyance into the kiss, his hand dropping from Greengrass' kiss to push at his coat. They couldn't get entirely undressed in some random muggle's home, he still remembered however vaguely, but the house was insanely hot. A discarded coat could be forgiven.
The annoyed hum quickly shifted into an outright groan at the nip. His hips pushed instinctively into Greengrass, Dory's arousal digging into his hip.
He never wanted to stop.
Dory pulled at the back layers of his clothes, desperate for the warmth of skin against his hand. The end result was a messy mix of half tucked clothing and only the slightest bit of skin available to him. He hummed his annoyance into the kiss, his hand dropping from Greengrass' kiss to push at his coat. They couldn't get entirely undressed in some random muggle's home, he still remembered however vaguely, but the house was insanely hot. A discarded coat could be forgiven.
The annoyed hum quickly shifted into an outright groan at the nip. His hips pushed instinctively into Greengrass, Dory's arousal digging into his hip.