Pablo actually stopped to think about it. "I think being wrecked at sea was worse." Or it could have been the solitude forced upon him that made it feel that way combined with the now years past memories of how it had actually felt in the moment when the Sycorax had crashed. Plus they'd had a mountain to scavenge on and been able to try and find food supply by moving around. Here, he'd had to make do with what he had which had been limited.
Pablo had a mild, momentary moment of panic when the boat veered farther from him. "I would like that very much, thank you." As soon as the boat was close enough, Pablo climbed on. If he didn't think he might end up chucked back at sea he would have huddled against one of Alfreds sailors for the extra warmth and reminder that he was now among fellow humans and not all alone on some small island that was little more than a rock.
Pablo had a mild, momentary moment of panic when the boat veered farther from him. "I would like that very much, thank you." As soon as the boat was close enough, Pablo climbed on. If he didn't think he might end up chucked back at sea he would have huddled against one of Alfreds sailors for the extra warmth and reminder that he was now among fellow humans and not all alone on some small island that was little more than a rock.