Right, Kieran had forgotten that even extremely clever young ladies — (for some value of young, they might be the same age) — didn't exactly run around reading Karl Marx et cetera. "I oversimplified a bit, but it's like - hrm." Kieran straightened in his chair, looked around, and did not see the familiar angel-blond hair that would have identified Jude for him. "Damn, he's not here. But the Augurey is sort of — a lot of progressive types frequent it."
"And they're like — it's like thinking how Forfang does, about lycanthropy. But for —" he made a vague expansive gesture with his hand "— all of it."
"And they're like — it's like thinking how Forfang does, about lycanthropy. But for —" he made a vague expansive gesture with his hand "— all of it."