If this had been a casual conversation and not a life-or-death hostage situation, Ford might have rolled his eyes. That answer couldn't possibly have been any more vague. He'd already expected that it was an ingredient of some kind, both because of where Darrow had chosen to search for it and because of his thin lie earlier about needing it for a patient. In theory it could have been something Darrow wanted to sell, so knowing that he was planning to use it to brew a potion did narrow things down a little bit, but not much. His questions in general weren't getting much information from Darrow, but they did seem to be frustrating him — if the noises he was making and the fact that he still hadn't found anything was any indication, anyway.
This might or might not have been a wise strategy, but it was the only one that seemed to be having any effect, and it wasn't like Ford could just wait for Darrow to force feed him a potentially mind-altering potion without doing anything to stop it. So: time to commit, he supposed.
"Do you even know what it looks like?" he asked derisively.
Set by Lady!
This might or might not have been a wise strategy, but it was the only one that seemed to be having any effect, and it wasn't like Ford could just wait for Darrow to force feed him a potentially mind-altering potion without doing anything to stop it. So: time to commit, he supposed.
"Do you even know what it looks like?" he asked derisively.
Set by Lady!