I didn't realize Alexandria had friends, Cash thought, but did not say. Instead he said, "Oh, of course," in a pleasant tone. "I would be happy to pass along her greetings." He would do no such thing, but he could say he would and suspected he would never get caught at it.
"Are you departing with the cruise, or simply attending the launch?" Cash said. He didn't understand why people were attending the launch — unless they were all trying to avoid their families for Easter, which: maybe — but the thought of being on a boat for a few weeks also had him feeling vaguely trapped.
"Are you departing with the cruise, or simply attending the launch?" Cash said. He didn't understand why people were attending the launch — unless they were all trying to avoid their families for Easter, which: maybe — but the thought of being on a boat for a few weeks also had him feeling vaguely trapped.
MJ made this!