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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Like I'm Running Out of Time
Hermia found herself falling back into the chair cushions in relief, allowing herself a moment of relief before pulling herself back to the edge of the chair, cheeks brightening a bit at her moment of relieved slouching. Prefects, Bonaccords, did not slouch any more than she already had in Professor Darrow's presence. "I apologize, for being rude, Professor. This is all just a bit overwhelming. Thank you, for your assistance, Professor. This has been a great comfort to me." Tucking her notes and old essays away, she hadn't needed them after all, Hermia was on her feet as soon as she saw the clock on the wall. "Thank you for your time, Professor. If I can handle ten courses now, there is no reason I can't manage seven. I know I can." The smile without the strain is back, a weight lifted. "Truly, thank you."

[Image: 8hJrlbS.jpg]
Lady is a genius

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Messages In This Thread
Like I'm Running Out of Time - by Hermia Bonaccord - August 25, 2020 – 9:04 AM
RE: Like I'm Running Out of Time - by Hamish Darrow - October 31, 2020 – 8:12 PM
RE: Like I'm Running Out of Time - by Hermia Bonaccord - December 20, 2020 – 2:52 PM
RE: Like I'm Running Out of Time - by Hamish Darrow - January 1, 2021 – 2:19 PM
RE: Like I'm Running Out of Time - by Hermia Bonaccord - January 22, 2021 – 10:27 AM
RE: Like I'm Running Out of Time - by Hamish Darrow - January 30, 2021 – 7:38 PM
RE: Like I'm Running Out of Time - by Hermia Bonaccord - February 17, 2021 – 7:00 AM
RE: Like I'm Running Out of Time - by Hamish Darrow - February 20, 2021 – 6:34 PM
RE: Like I'm Running Out of Time - by Hermia Bonaccord - March 5, 2021 – 7:05 AM
RE: Like I'm Running Out of Time - by Hamish Darrow - March 14, 2021 – 12:02 AM
RE: Like I'm Running Out of Time - by Hermia Bonaccord - March 15, 2021 – 6:45 PM
RE: Like I'm Running Out of Time - by Hamish Darrow - March 20, 2021 – 12:54 PM
RE: Like I'm Running Out of Time - by Hermia Bonaccord - March 21, 2021 – 7:33 AM
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