Penny shoved another bite into her mouth. Bread always helped her hangovers, she thought to point out, but, again, fell short of voicing it. Were they not drunk last night Penny never would have suggested they sleep in the same bed. Or would she have? Although drunk her rationale made sense. The sofa was uncomfortable and it would have hurt his back. Perhaps sober she could have thought of some charm to put between them instead of a pillow wall. Magic rarely failed like muggle remedies did.
She nearly choked on the third bite of croissant. Leaving the events of the morning unaddressed was the unspoken agreement, the mutual decision to salvage both of their dignities. Slowly, Penny nodded. "Yeah, of course. Why wouldn't it be?"
She nearly choked on the third bite of croissant. Leaving the events of the morning unaddressed was the unspoken agreement, the mutual decision to salvage both of their dignities. Slowly, Penny nodded. "Yeah, of course. Why wouldn't it be?"