Ben was radiating panic and Angie dug her heels in deep to keep some kind of grounded in the situation. "You know what a bezoar does. It's a general antidote," Angie was keeping her pragmatic approach. He'd been out of the field too long."Anything that could have gone wrong with the potion," She cast a glance at Greengrass. "Might be solved or at least started by the bezoar. It buys time."
But Ang needed more details. "What was it she took?" Her job, her entire occupation was problem solving, but she needed the information, all of the information, before she could get the gears turning on solving the issue at hand. If Greengrass made the potion, then that was at least half the battle, but without any of that knowledge, Ang was useless. Why she wanted to be anything more that useless in this situation was beyond her, but with a history between her and Ben, it wasn't like she could just leave him to fend for himself here.
But Ang needed more details. "What was it she took?" Her job, her entire occupation was problem solving, but she needed the information, all of the information, before she could get the gears turning on solving the issue at hand. If Greengrass made the potion, then that was at least half the battle, but without any of that knowledge, Ang was useless. Why she wanted to be anything more that useless in this situation was beyond her, but with a history between her and Ben, it wasn't like she could just leave him to fend for himself here.