Relief swept over him though it was tempered quite severely by his acknowledgment to himself that no matter how much he might wish it, Miss Evans would likely never be accepted in the upper echelons of society. Until now it hadn’t bothered him in the slightest: his sister was little better than a harridan and she was of the right sort but Amelia, graceful and gracious Amelia, was not.
It was unjust and Kons wished he could force himself not to care, to be the sort of man that rose above it all, but it niggled at him nevertheless.
On the other hand the Lestranges and their ilk could not remain forever. Progress would reach them even here in Irvingly - eventually - and had he not always prided himself on being at the vanguard of that progress? He who had aided Ross, the least likely winner, to the highest office in the county.
And, above everything else, was it not all rendered utterly redundant whenever he was in Amelia’s company?
“They will never be anything but for you Miss Evans,” he replied, reaching out to take her damp hand in his.
It was unjust and Kons wished he could force himself not to care, to be the sort of man that rose above it all, but it niggled at him nevertheless.
On the other hand the Lestranges and their ilk could not remain forever. Progress would reach them even here in Irvingly - eventually - and had he not always prided himself on being at the vanguard of that progress? He who had aided Ross, the least likely winner, to the highest office in the county.
And, above everything else, was it not all rendered utterly redundant whenever he was in Amelia’s company?
“They will never be anything but for you Miss Evans,” he replied, reaching out to take her damp hand in his.