Hi this is what I'm stalking this week:

— way too attractive set by mj <3 —
- Elon taking Alice into the bougie section of the Teapot Trials is such a funny development and I love their weird relationship.
- Jules is telling Camilla Lytton about kissing Lach and it's very self-serving but that makes it no less hilarious :P
- Ben and Art talk about Witch Weekly
- Look I know I'm also in this thread but nobody is reading for Delight. Zelda arrived to Alfred's house and Jo was there with him, and it's absolutely delightful.
- Cash and Theo are making out and GOOD FOR THEM.
- Ellory vs. Lucius re: Witch Weekly scandal
The following 3 users Like Lachlan MacFusty's post:
Camilla Lytton, Cassius Lestrange, Juliana Ainsworth
Camilla Lytton, Cassius Lestrange, Juliana Ainsworth

— way too attractive set by mj <3 —