It was somewhat like a plot of a romance novel - Mr. MacFusty and Jules had met on accident, gotten into a scandal they weren't guilty of and that caused them to bond with each other.
"Did he hint anywhere in his letters that he may have feelings for you?" Camilla asked. "Did he flirt? Did you have an inkling that he might take things that way?"
That she had agreed to meet with an unmarried man, presumably unchaperoned (because Mrs. Binns wouldn't have allowed for that to happen) was careless if one cared about propriety, but it could be forgiven if Jules had thought the meeting would be friendly. Camilla thought her friend could be naive regarding those things and she couldn't fault her for it.
"Did he hint anywhere in his letters that he may have feelings for you?" Camilla asked. "Did he flirt? Did you have an inkling that he might take things that way?"
That she had agreed to meet with an unmarried man, presumably unchaperoned (because Mrs. Binns wouldn't have allowed for that to happen) was careless if one cared about propriety, but it could be forgiven if Jules had thought the meeting would be friendly. Camilla thought her friend could be naive regarding those things and she couldn't fault her for it.