Ford had been all too ready to believe that there was some reasonable explanation for Darrow's presence in the house, which made what followed all the more confusing. He'd... broken into someone house, rather than walked through the snow? Sure, it was snowing, but it wasn't like it was totally impassable — not yet, anyway, though it seemed to be picking up and it might get that way before long. He thought Darrow lived in Hogsmeade like he did, so he might have been sympathetic to the idea of getting caught in unexpected inclement weather, but he would have just walked to any of the numerous places around London that one could find a public floo, not broken into someone's house. The Ministry was one option — they had floos all over the Atrium that they wouldn't even charge for. The Leaky Cauldron was another, or the Swan and Crown — the list went on. Plenty of preferable options to sneaking through someone's house.
And this didn't explain, either, why Darrow had gone shooting spells at him.
Ford shifted uneasily and rubbed his thumb over the shaft of his wand, wondering if he might be called upon to use it at some point during this interaction. He hoped not, but he didn't move to put it away, just in case. Darrow still had his out, too. "Well," he said in a tone that was forcibly neutral, "I came through the floo twenty minutes ago. So you could go."
Set by Lady!
And this didn't explain, either, why Darrow had gone shooting spells at him.
Ford shifted uneasily and rubbed his thumb over the shaft of his wand, wondering if he might be called upon to use it at some point during this interaction. He hoped not, but he didn't move to put it away, just in case. Darrow still had his out, too. "Well," he said in a tone that was forcibly neutral, "I came through the floo twenty minutes ago. So you could go."
Set by Lady!