They arrived, and Freddie began feeling along the panels in search of the correct one. Suddenly the sound of a clicking panel caught his attention and he looked over, his smile brightening at the sight of Miss Lestrange peering into the passage. She was a clever one, then.
"That's it," he said in an exited, yet hushed tone. Still wearing a smile, he glanced both ways down the corridor. Nobody was around to see where they were going—and even if a servant could, or had, what would they say? Nothing. Nothing at all. He stepped closer to her—so close that his chest nearly brushed against hers—and with a quirked brow slid into the passageway. "It's dark, but safe," he said, his voice echoing in the cramped tunnel. He reached out and boldly grabbed for her hand. She had the softest hands, he noticed, and then nearly slipped into a frown at the realization that he hadn't held many girl's hands. He'd have to fix that, surely.
"Do you trust me?" he asked, begging to back up into the tunnel, pulling her with him.
"That's it," he said in an exited, yet hushed tone. Still wearing a smile, he glanced both ways down the corridor. Nobody was around to see where they were going—and even if a servant could, or had, what would they say? Nothing. Nothing at all. He stepped closer to her—so close that his chest nearly brushed against hers—and with a quirked brow slid into the passageway. "It's dark, but safe," he said, his voice echoing in the cramped tunnel. He reached out and boldly grabbed for her hand. She had the softest hands, he noticed, and then nearly slipped into a frown at the realization that he hadn't held many girl's hands. He'd have to fix that, surely.
"Do you trust me?" he asked, begging to back up into the tunnel, pulling her with him.

— set by mj <3 —