As the end of February neared, the days were becoming longer. Even as afternoon turned into evening, the sun could still be seen low in the sky. While Tim's evening's were mainly reserved for putting back various different varieties of alcohol, it did have the pleasant side effect of making each day significantly warmer than the last.
With the sun being out that Saturday, Tim was using the opportunity to get out for a walk. While the temperature was still not warm by any means, in the sunshine it was a nice day. And a brisk walk would warm him up quickly. He did enjoy a good walk. Particularly on his estate. His land. There was nothing quite like it.
In the distance, Tim could see a man he did not know. He looked a respectable sort, and Tim was sure he'd seen him before at various society events. He seemed to want his attention, so he headed that way.
"Good morning." Tim greeted, tipping his hat.
With the sun being out that Saturday, Tim was using the opportunity to get out for a walk. While the temperature was still not warm by any means, in the sunshine it was a nice day. And a brisk walk would warm him up quickly. He did enjoy a good walk. Particularly on his estate. His land. There was nothing quite like it.
In the distance, Tim could see a man he did not know. He looked a respectable sort, and Tim was sure he'd seen him before at various society events. He seemed to want his attention, so he headed that way.
"Good morning." Tim greeted, tipping his hat.