Cash was excited about this; haunted houses (even if they were not actually haunted) were at least different, and having decided that he wanted to be friends with Greengrass, Cash was excited about actually spending a significant chunk of time with him. Also, any night spent outside of the Lestrange London house was ideal for Cash. Now that Cornelia was married, his best option for the household was spending time with Kristoffer, and that was far from his preferred use of time.
So: this was better than his usual evening, and Cash had actually been bordering-happy since his conversation with Theodore Gallivan last Saturday. He told Belphoebe - not that he thought she would care, but this was the done thing in Cash's life - that he was planning on staying overnight at Excalibur's, which was not true but was difficult enough to check that he didn't think she would. He had an overnight bag with the necessities with him when he arrived in The Three Broomsticks. He was happy to let Greengrass take the lead for the night; Cash felt as if he hardly had to make any decisions, which was sort of relieving.
"Hi," Cash replied, equally bright. "That's a good question -" he was torn, between spending a few minutes here and heading straight out "- I suppose we should get a drink? In case they don't, or if they only have - whiskey."
So: this was better than his usual evening, and Cash had actually been bordering-happy since his conversation with Theodore Gallivan last Saturday. He told Belphoebe - not that he thought she would care, but this was the done thing in Cash's life - that he was planning on staying overnight at Excalibur's, which was not true but was difficult enough to check that he didn't think she would. He had an overnight bag with the necessities with him when he arrived in The Three Broomsticks. He was happy to let Greengrass take the lead for the night; Cash felt as if he hardly had to make any decisions, which was sort of relieving.
"Hi," Cash replied, equally bright. "That's a good question -" he was torn, between spending a few minutes here and heading straight out "- I suppose we should get a drink? In case they don't, or if they only have - whiskey."

MJ made this!