The hospital was the logical choice, of course, and so Tabitha nodded, still holding his handkerchief against her cheek. She could handle the apparition, if Bernard would let her. "I think it might be best of I find his mother before we simply disappear. They were back a little ways when we were separated." One disappearance for the evening was enough for her as she was already likely to hear about the whole ordeal from her stepmother in great detail.
"I'll meet you there in a few minutes." She assured Mr. Browne and once again took her brother's hand to lead him back the way they came. Fortunately, despite the fray, it didn't take long for her to locate Felicity, who was, by nature, rather loud in both personality and appearance. Bernard seemed to have settled and was nearly back to himself, but Tabitha didn't have time to explain.
With that seen to, she moved off to the side and disapparated to the hospital lobby like Mr. Brown had suggested. Upon arrival, she swayed a little, but was relieved to find him waiting for her. "I can probably manage now, if you'd like to be free of me. I cannot thank you enough for your help." Tabitha was embarrassed by the whole situation, but keenly grateful for Mr. Browne's kindness throughout.
"I'll meet you there in a few minutes." She assured Mr. Browne and once again took her brother's hand to lead him back the way they came. Fortunately, despite the fray, it didn't take long for her to locate Felicity, who was, by nature, rather loud in both personality and appearance. Bernard seemed to have settled and was nearly back to himself, but Tabitha didn't have time to explain.
With that seen to, she moved off to the side and disapparated to the hospital lobby like Mr. Brown had suggested. Upon arrival, she swayed a little, but was relieved to find him waiting for her. "I can probably manage now, if you'd like to be free of me. I cannot thank you enough for your help." Tabitha was embarrassed by the whole situation, but keenly grateful for Mr. Browne's kindness throughout.
![[Image: Tabi-MJSig.png]](
absolute beauty by MJ