Character: Seneca Lestrange
They inherited their moral compass from... her father
Their default level of inhibition is... The bar is low when it comes to intellectual stuff, like reading illegal books etc. She's socially conscious though so she wouldn't risk being caught banging people.
Do they... / Have they ever...
...drink beer? No
...drink liquor? She's probably taken a sip from a relative's whiskey at family only gatherings.
...take opium? No
...take other drugs? No
...smoke? Probably yes. She's asked Cash to give her one of his to try it out, so it would depend on whether he obliged her or not. Cassius Lestrange
Their drink of choice is: Champagne
Their relaxation method of choice is: Calming draughts
Would they have sex for... Yes
...favors? Yes
...something else? Sure
How well would they need to know someone before making out with them? It depends. Seneca is deep down quite hedonistic, but she was also raised like a Victorian girl, so she wouldn't go around kissing people. So she'd need to know the other person well.
How far have they gotten IC? She's masturbated.
Do they know about STDs? Yes
Do they know about birth control? No
Do they / would they ever use birth control? Yes
Do they know gay men exist? No
Do they know lesbians exist? No
Have they ever been arrested? No
Have they ever committed a crime? She impersonated her father so he could break her murderous uncle from prison, so kinda?
What would it take to get them to commit a crime? She'd do it if she had something to gain out of it.
Do they gamble? No
... on races/sporting events? No
... on investments? No but she would
Do they have tattoos? No but I can see her being tempted to get one