Character: Spryly!
They inherited their moral compass from... the broommaker who took him in & the harshness of life
Their default level of inhibition is... 5/10. he's not as self-destructive as certain other characters of mine but he will do things on a whim and take risks from overconfidence.
Do they... / Have they ever...
...drink beer? yep
...drink liquor? yep
...take opium? no
...take other drugs? no
...smoke? he's probably dabbled a little
Their drink of choice is: gin
Their relaxation method of choice is: being unconscious
Would they have sex for... yes
...favors? yes
...something else? fun
How well would they need to know someone before making out with them? not very
How far have they gotten IC? he has done sex
Do they know about STDs? yes
Do they know about birth control? no
Do they / would they ever use birth control? if he found himself in a situation where it was necessary and he could afford it, probably
Do they know gay men exist? yes
Do they know lesbians exist? yes
Have they ever been arrested? yes
Have they ever committed a crime? yes. many thefts and some fraud.
What would it take to get them to commit a crime? money
Do they gamble? yes
... on races/sporting events? yes
... on investments? no
Do they have tattoos? I'd never thought about it before so I'm gonna go with no but he totally would if the opportunity presented itself
Eyeing up this magnificent set eh? MJ sold her soul to Satan's graphic designer. I wish he'd take mine too.