Character: Bella
They inherited their moral compass from... The WC muggles who raised her (i.e. "do the right thing, work hard, follow your heart") and the Scrimgeours, who never managed to indoctrinate her but instead made her believe in almost everything they were against.
Their default level of inhibition is... Bella is the poster child of impulse control issues. What are inhibitions.
Do they... / Have they ever...
...drink beer? She has, but she thinks it's gross.
...drink liquor? Yes, firewhiskey is her go-to self-pity drink.
...take opium? No, but I could see her doing it if everyone else was doing it.
...take other drugs? No.
...smoke? No.
Their drink of choice is: Sweet wine.
Their relaxation method of choice is: Directionless frolicking. Maybe gardening, but she probably gets too excited with that.
Would they have sex for... No.
...favors? Probably not. Depends on the magnitude of the favor, and only if she wasn't already attached.
...something else? Not sure.
How well would they need to know someone before making out with them? A few conversations, enough to have a vague idea that she likes and is attracted to them.
How far have they gotten IC? She had sex with James MacFusty!
Do they know about STDs? No
Do they know about birth control? No
Do they / would they ever use birth control? Not purposefully.
Do they know gay men exist? No.
Do they know lesbians exist? No.
Have they ever been arrested? No.
Have they ever committed a crime? Plenty of social blunders, but never crimes.
What would it take to get them to commit a crime? The belief that someone will get hurt if she doesn't.
Do they gamble?
... on races/sporting events? No, she's not that interested.
... on investments? With what money??
Do they have tattoos? Zilch.