Character: Kieran Abernathy
They inherited their moral compass from... his senile quarter-vampire nanny, and then learning from observing other people so he could basically raise Fallon
Their default level of inhibition is... low as hell, with the exception of a few specific secrets
Do they... / Have they ever...
...drink beer? yes
...drink liquor? yes
...take opium? yes, but he would choose alcohol over it
...take other drugs? yes, but he would choose alcohol over it
...smoke? rolled cigarettes sometimes, not often
Their drink of choice is: whiskey, if he's choosing, but also: all of it
Their relaxation method of choice is: drinking, but also boxing, but mostly drinking
Would they have sex for... probably not, but he's thought about it
...favors? he arguably had sex with Ishmael once IC because Ishmael bought him a drink
...something else? alternatively, he arguably had sex with Ishmael IC for nostalgia reasons. Kieran would have sex for a lot of reasons.
How well would they need to know someone before making out with them? made out with Ishmael the night they met. so not well but you need to be giving ~vibes
How far have they gotten IC? see: Ishmael, see: sex with, see: can JK kiss yet
Do they know about STDs? yep
Do they know about birth control? in concept, but Kieran doesn't have sex with women
Do they / would they ever use birth control? see "doesn't have sex with women"
Do they know gay men exist? he is one
Do they know lesbians exist? yes
Have they ever been arrested? No
Have they ever committed a crime? Oh definitely, ranging from 'unregistered werewolf' to 'unregistered werewolf who mauled Topaz Urquart' to 'sold blood to vampire' to 'probably light thievery when particularly financially desperate.'
What would it take to get them to commit a crime? Historically, money or like, risk of social shame
Do they gamble? Yes, not often
... on races/sporting events? historically on boxing matches
... on investments? lol no
Do they have tattoos? No