Character: Noble Greengrass
They inherited their moral compass from... the idea of his father, probably
Their default level of inhibition is... Noble is very aware of what he's doing at any given time, but will still do things if he wants to. so... like medium-well, if inhibition levels are steak.
Do they... / Have they ever...
...drink beer? yes
...drink liquor? yes
...take opium? no
...take other drugs? no
...smoke? no, and I don't think he's tried it
Their drink of choice is: Noble apparently likes gin and tonics? Also wine when his sisters are around
Their relaxation method of choice is: Noble has never relaxed ever, in his life (in character.) I guess it's shooting the shit with Ford or seeing Daffy? He desperately needs to relax.
Would they have sex for... no
...favors? no
...something else? ...maybe. I could see Noble having breakup and/or take me back sex if relevant.
How well would they need to know someone before making out with them? extremely very well
How far have they gotten IC? Made out with Daffy in a powder room
Do they know about STDs? academically, sure
Do they know about birth control? academically, sure
Do they / would they ever use birth control? I think yes, he wants fewer kids than his parents had.
Do they know gay men exist? academically, yes
Do they know lesbians exist? probably not
Have they ever been arrested? No
Have they ever committed a crime? No
What would it take to get them to commit a crime? Ehhhh, he'd probably do it for the family or Daff, or if pushed far enough
Do they gamble? No, and he's pretty judgy about gambling, actually
... on races/sporting events?
... on investments?
Do they have tattoos? (How many?)