Character: Arthur Pettigrew
They inherited their moral compass from... the chaos realm, maybe? (andromache pettigrew with a strong dose of arthur fell to the middle class real hard real fast)
Their default level of inhibition is... the bar is on the floor
Do they... / Have they ever...
...drink beer? yes, often
...drink liquor? yes, often
...take opium? yes, but not often
...take other drugs? yes, but not often
...smoke? cigars, but not habitually
Their drink of choice is: whiskey if he's trying to get drunk, beer if he's not
Their relaxation method of choice is: gambling, but also drinking, or sex, whatever else can lower his stress levels
Would they have sex for... no
...favors? maybe
...something else? probably
How well would they need to know someone before making out with them? 1883 Arthur once made out with two siblings in a span of an hour, so... not well
How far have they gotten IC? pretty far
Do they know about STDs? yes
Do they know about birth control? yes, dezzart use a condom
Do they / would they ever use birth control? yes
Do they know gay men exist? yes, Art is bisexual and has hooked up with men, and some of them were gay
Do they know lesbians exist? yes, in my heart tiny bisexual Arthur was friendly w/ a lesbian Harpies player who Got It
Have they ever been arrested? famously, yes
Have they ever committed a crime? famously, several
What would it take to get them to commit a crime? Arthur has an incredibly low impulse control level, so the answer is yes if it 1) seems fun or 2) would protect his friends
Do they gamble? famously, yes
... on races/sporting events? famously... historically. but not on his own Quidditch games, just other people's
... on investments? he used to! now he doesn't have any investments to do so with.
Do they have tattoos? no, actually? no he doesn't
set by MJ <3