"Indeed," Tiberius said briefly. He had no feelings whatsoever on grandmothers, having never had a relationship with either of his. He didn't really have strong feelings about mothers, honestly, for the same reason. His two potential exemplars for the role of a mother were Lucius' first wife and Antigone, neither of whom could be considered above the pale. This also did not quite answer his question about Macmillan's father, so he'd have to try a slightly different tack.
"How fortunate to still have such a close relationship with both your parents," he said. "As I'm sure you're aware, it was not a luxury Tatiana nor I were afforded as adults."
Hopefully Macmillan would just come out with it. Having to pretend he cared about his own father was tiresome, and Tiberius didn't want to have to come right out and ask about the elder Mr. Macmillan directly.
"How fortunate to still have such a close relationship with both your parents," he said. "As I'm sure you're aware, it was not a luxury Tatiana nor I were afforded as adults."
Hopefully Macmillan would just come out with it. Having to pretend he cared about his own father was tiresome, and Tiberius didn't want to have to come right out and ask about the elder Mr. Macmillan directly.