If he had to have his toe stubbed by anyone, Miss Jones wasn't the worst option of them all. Dory wiggled his toe in his boot to reassure himself that nothing was broken or bleeding. Once they moved without squelching, he quickly changed gears from his irritation to polite. "It's alright, Miss Jones." He reassured her as best he could, both for his foot and his legs. "And my apologies for my, er, colorful language."
He glanced down towards his missing legs. "A magic mishap, I'm afraid." Such was the nature of his job, after all. "A debutante was horrifically embarrassed and turned everyone in the shop invisible. Believe it or not, it's not the strangest thing to have happened in the field." A barn full of children turned piglets, that certainly stuck with Dory through the years. "It'll wear off in a few hours, so they say."
He glanced down towards his missing legs. "A magic mishap, I'm afraid." Such was the nature of his job, after all. "A debutante was horrifically embarrassed and turned everyone in the shop invisible. Believe it or not, it's not the strangest thing to have happened in the field." A barn full of children turned piglets, that certainly stuck with Dory through the years. "It'll wear off in a few hours, so they say."