Lying didn't necessarily seem like a skill anyone ought to have mastered, but if someone had to she supposed Selwyn wasn't a terrible fit for it. One had to be decent at lying to have as many bastards as he was rumored to, anyway. How else would he continue to trick women into his bed? (Or was he just that good of a lay? Fallon had a hard time believing someone of his age could top Jesse's abilities.)
She laughed. "It seems we both have moody brothers, then." Kieran wasn't an outright misery, but he certainly had his moments. "Confidence and stretching of the truth. Doesn't seem too hard." Lachlan would claim it was how she broke his heart, stretching the truth. Although, if Fallon was questioned on it she would explain it to be an unintentional lie of omission.
"Think I'm ready yet to try again?"
She laughed. "It seems we both have moody brothers, then." Kieran wasn't an outright misery, but he certainly had his moments. "Confidence and stretching of the truth. Doesn't seem too hard." Lachlan would claim it was how she broke his heart, stretching the truth. Although, if Fallon was questioned on it she would explain it to be an unintentional lie of omission.
"Think I'm ready yet to try again?"