I need YOU (but only if you do graphics)! It's been a couple years, and it's time to expand our selection of aesthetic avatars! click here for more information and/or to start contributing :)
Also, just a heads up that I will be cleaning up threads in pre-made characters, as well as lonely plots, two weeks from today on February 7th! The following will be deleted at the at time:
- All posts by inactive accounts—remember you can use the polyjuice button to change post author!
Any posts that were last edited before December 1st. If all your information is up to date, simply adding a space to the end of your post and submitting the change will update your edit date for you :)
If you find your adoptables post(s) are really long, you are encouraged to consider adding in a scroll! Simply replace the # in the code below with the height, and the content with your content! The scrolling part of my ads is 1500, for reference! You can still use anchors with this, too ;)
<div style="overflow-y: scroll; height: #px;">
— graphics by lady ❤ —