Not particularly forthcoming, was he? Tiberius was disinclined to be put out by that, however; he likely would have responded similarly had someone asked an open-ended question about Antigone. Tatiana might have appreciated if he dug into the matter a little more, and he could certainly do so if the opportunity arose, but based on such a clipped response Tiberius was confident that the answer to her question on the subject of Noelle (Whether he still dreams fondly of Noelle) could be decidedly answered in the negative.
"And you have one child?" he continued, leading. Hopefully the man was a bit more effusive about his daughter, though Tiberius wasn't sure he had high hopes.
"And you have one child?" he continued, leading. Hopefully the man was a bit more effusive about his daughter, though Tiberius wasn't sure he had high hopes.