January 24th, 1891 — Hogwarts Corridors
Addison's head hurt. He wasn't too sure why, he'd just been out in the Great Hall having breakfast, and gone absentmindedly out into the corridor. He looked at his notebook to see if he had anything planned today, as he liked to keep a schedule in there in case he got off track.
As he felt around the pockets of his rather shabby robes, he touched his head and realized it felt a lot more...slimy than usual. Was that scrambled eggs? Who'd dumped eggs on him? That didn't seem to make very much sense. He stuck a finger in the mixture and put it in his mouth, something that was quite uncharacteristic of him. If anything, it was more reckless.
"Hey, hey you!" he called out at a passerby, a habit that most thought he had abandoned in second year, "Why've I got eggs on me?"
Addison is the victim of an improperly brewed Befuddlement Draught leading to general confusion and recklessness!