Professor Darrow had never belittled nor condemned Hermia's questions or whims, but it was still a relief to be taken seriously. That relief allowed her a moment to breath and reflect. "Professor, I can assure you, I will never neglect my studies. I only wish I could keep more subjects."
The mention of his daughters earned a smile. Hermia knew of Miss Maggie Darrow and her successes in Quidditch, even though they only overlapped a year in school. If anyone was to truly consider her dilemna, it would be her Head of House, the father and scholar. "If this is impertinent, please excuse me, but how did you know what you were meant to be? With your books and and travels, how did you know you were ready to teach?"
The mention of his daughters earned a smile. Hermia knew of Miss Maggie Darrow and her successes in Quidditch, even though they only overlapped a year in school. If anyone was to truly consider her dilemna, it would be her Head of House, the father and scholar. "If this is impertinent, please excuse me, but how did you know what you were meant to be? With your books and and travels, how did you know you were ready to teach?"