Well that was an amusing tale at least. It made Nemo feel a bit better actually. Cats he could handle, even Starley liked him after many years of careful coercion. "You'll give the poor man a heart attack one of these days." Nemo chuckled and though wouldn't wish ill will upon Mr. Grimstone, he was pleased by the fact that was a mark against him.
Thankfully, meals like this came easily and the conversation would ebb and flow without much thought. Nemo thoroughly enjoyed it, but he had to wonder just how much longer they would be able to get away with it. Certainly once she was married that would be the end of it. Nemo supposed he'd have to enjoy them while he could, or maybe buck up one day and see what she thought about courtship... Not today though, today he was content to keep going as they always had.
Thankfully, meals like this came easily and the conversation would ebb and flow without much thought. Nemo thoroughly enjoyed it, but he had to wonder just how much longer they would be able to get away with it. Certainly once she was married that would be the end of it. Nemo supposed he'd have to enjoy them while he could, or maybe buck up one day and see what she thought about courtship... Not today though, today he was content to keep going as they always had.