Undressing was far easier without the added distraction of Nemo. In the few minutes they were apart she managed to get down to her chemise, her hair unpinned and pulled her stockings off. Try as she might in the cold winter months, Penny could never sleep with anything but the blanket over her feet. She sipped on the uncorked bottle of wine, not caring in the least to procure a glass. Tomorrow would bring a headache whether she indulged more or not, so why not continue on?
Her clothes were kicked into the corner of the room as she stumbled back towards the bed and settled herself upon it. Having always been a night owl, she wasn't yet ready to climb under the covers and rest. Still, she did have enough forethought to cover her lap with the quilt. The chemise didn't leave much to the imagination, after all.
Her clothes were kicked into the corner of the room as she stumbled back towards the bed and settled herself upon it. Having always been a night owl, she wasn't yet ready to climb under the covers and rest. Still, she did have enough forethought to cover her lap with the quilt. The chemise didn't leave much to the imagination, after all.