Nemo grimaced. Not the first time no, but he couldn't remember a time they'd been this inebriated in one another's company. A glass of wine or whiskey at dinner sure, but not drunk in an inn in Paris drunk.
What in the name of Merlin's beard was he thinking. It hardly registered what she said until he thought about it and then he sunk even lower on the sofa. "So impractical." Safe. Smart. Not that there was anything dangerous about this situation, other than the fact that it could change their entire friendship.
To distract himself further, but against his better judgement, Nemo stood abruptly and went for the wine, uncorking it swiftly to take a long swig. So drunk he passed out was a good idea.
What in the name of Merlin's beard was he thinking. It hardly registered what she said until he thought about it and then he sunk even lower on the sofa. "So impractical." Safe. Smart. Not that there was anything dangerous about this situation, other than the fact that it could change their entire friendship.
To distract himself further, but against his better judgement, Nemo stood abruptly and went for the wine, uncorking it swiftly to take a long swig. So drunk he passed out was a good idea.