Just her. As if that had ever been true. He shook his head as he laughed to himself. The irony of the situation was not lost on him, but he rather thought they were on two different pages here. "I meant the wine, what are you talking about?" Being drunk certainly diminished his capabilities to keep anything to himself. Merlin this was a bad idea.
Maybe he could just pretend to be asleep already?
He changed a glance over his shoulder at her to see her tugging at the ties on the back of her dress and immediately felt his face flush. Slowly he sank lower on the sofa and stared at the fire in the hearth. Damn it was warm in here. Fuck.
Nemo could feel an unfamiliar tingle in his fingers and so he sat on his hands to ebb the feeling, hoping it would go away and fast.
Maybe he could just pretend to be asleep already?
He changed a glance over his shoulder at her to see her tugging at the ties on the back of her dress and immediately felt his face flush. Slowly he sank lower on the sofa and stared at the fire in the hearth. Damn it was warm in here. Fuck.
Nemo could feel an unfamiliar tingle in his fingers and so he sat on his hands to ebb the feeling, hoping it would go away and fast.