"Healing brought that out in her, I think." Fallon would always think of Malou as the shy dorm mate too timid to go up against the likes of Miss Lestrange. Fallon, too, had her reservations about angering someone from such a powerful family, but when sharing a living space she refused to be shoved off to the side. Merlin, was she ever glad to not share a room with a handful of bitchy girls anymore.
The present had gone unnoticed until she reached for a nearby snack. As soon as she saw the small, neatly wrapped box, though, she reached for it with a curious glance in his direction. "May I?" Fallon asked, holding up the box for his inspection. Surely, if it existed amongst the picnic it was an intentional placement by him. Still, she didn't wish to spoil any of his plans by moving towards something too soon.
Watching him for his approval, Fallon opened the box as soon as it was given. The size of the box made her, briefly, wonder if he was proposing, but such thoughts were swiftly banished as she saw the pendant. (It was for the better that he not propose at present, anyway, seeing that she was about to embark on a mission that she might not return from. Best not to give him an additional cause for grief, especially after the dramatics of last month.) She pulled the necklace from the box with an excited grin. "It's beautiful, Jess. Thank you."
That her returned ring matched it perfectly was something she refused to comment upon. Who knew if it even existed anymore?
The present had gone unnoticed until she reached for a nearby snack. As soon as she saw the small, neatly wrapped box, though, she reached for it with a curious glance in his direction. "May I?" Fallon asked, holding up the box for his inspection. Surely, if it existed amongst the picnic it was an intentional placement by him. Still, she didn't wish to spoil any of his plans by moving towards something too soon.
Watching him for his approval, Fallon opened the box as soon as it was given. The size of the box made her, briefly, wonder if he was proposing, but such thoughts were swiftly banished as she saw the pendant. (It was for the better that he not propose at present, anyway, seeing that she was about to embark on a mission that she might not return from. Best not to give him an additional cause for grief, especially after the dramatics of last month.) She pulled the necklace from the box with an excited grin. "It's beautiful, Jess. Thank you."
That her returned ring matched it perfectly was something she refused to comment upon. Who knew if it even existed anymore?