Nemo moved toward the door while Penny stored the clock away from mischievous cats and then motioned for her to lead the way. "What do you suppose Cook has on the menu tonight?" He chuckled. There was another relationship Nemo had carefully crafted over the years. He did not expect them to keep a kosher kitchen for him; his ties to his mother's religion had slacked more than ever after her passing, but he appreciated the effort nevertheless. Since it was the case, he tried to be the most gracious guest every time he was fed. Cook seemed to like him, which was a blessing.
The kitchen, no matter the home, was always his favorite room in a house. It was always warm, inviting and busy, perfect for someone who craved the connection, but preferred to stay out of the way. Nemo moved out of the way immediately to the small kitchen table at which they often had their meals; he knew better than to ask if they were joining the Lady of the house these days. Passing Cook a friendly smile and wave, he looked to Penny for whatever was to come next. He was also smart enough to know better than to get in the way when someone was working in the kitchen.
The kitchen, no matter the home, was always his favorite room in a house. It was always warm, inviting and busy, perfect for someone who craved the connection, but preferred to stay out of the way. Nemo moved out of the way immediately to the small kitchen table at which they often had their meals; he knew better than to ask if they were joining the Lady of the house these days. Passing Cook a friendly smile and wave, he looked to Penny for whatever was to come next. He was also smart enough to know better than to get in the way when someone was working in the kitchen.