Cannot provide any clear answers to #2, but I can provide insight into the others :P
1. I don't think we have a clear established female boarding home, but individual characters have been said to live in them. Dionisia Fisk lived in one in Pennyworth before she married, and I think a few other characters have lived in boarding houses here and there. Just because they don't have names doesn't mean they can't exist; you're free to make one up while apping. I know I have xD
3. By all accounts on the web, midwifery was seen as a skilled labor in the late 1800s and most underwent training as an apprentice. That being said, I don't think it requires any formal magical education, and would likely be somewhere within the level six range. I would check with a staff member first, though!
4. A magical portrait is a portrait that has been enchanted to capture the likeness of its subject via mannerisms and personality. Usually it's a shallow representation of who a person once was with a focus only a handful of personality traits. Portraits are not sentient beings but the most complex ones (like Hogwarts headmasters) are often enchanted to a degree where it can offer simple advice. A person and a portrait of that person can coexist at the same time, though I can't imagine that portrait of her existed at Hogwarts yet.
1. I don't think we have a clear established female boarding home, but individual characters have been said to live in them. Dionisia Fisk lived in one in Pennyworth before she married, and I think a few other characters have lived in boarding houses here and there. Just because they don't have names doesn't mean they can't exist; you're free to make one up while apping. I know I have xD
3. By all accounts on the web, midwifery was seen as a skilled labor in the late 1800s and most underwent training as an apprentice. That being said, I don't think it requires any formal magical education, and would likely be somewhere within the level six range. I would check with a staff member first, though!
4. A magical portrait is a portrait that has been enchanted to capture the likeness of its subject via mannerisms and personality. Usually it's a shallow representation of who a person once was with a focus only a handful of personality traits. Portraits are not sentient beings but the most complex ones (like Hogwarts headmasters) are often enchanted to a degree where it can offer simple advice. A person and a portrait of that person can coexist at the same time, though I can't imagine that portrait of her existed at Hogwarts yet.