She waved off his apology. Nemo was always welcome within her home, he knew that. Penny had even once considered asking him to rent a flat with her, but decided that would be too outrageous for either of their families to accept. The leniency Cassandra extended to Penny's life choices only went so far, she knew. Crossing that line would carry consequences she would be loathe to accept.
Instead, she stepped forward to what she assumed to be a clock. The intricately carved wood wasn't the oddest object Nemo had ever thought to gift her, in fact a clock was absolutely mundane. She had tinkered with clocks enough to know how the gears and timing all worked. Still, she grinned at the gift and poked at the odd wooden doors. Now that was unusual.
Bending so she was closer to eye level with the shut doors, Penny eyed the clock curiously. "What does it do?" She asked Nemo. "What is it hiding?"
Instead, she stepped forward to what she assumed to be a clock. The intricately carved wood wasn't the oddest object Nemo had ever thought to gift her, in fact a clock was absolutely mundane. She had tinkered with clocks enough to know how the gears and timing all worked. Still, she grinned at the gift and poked at the odd wooden doors. Now that was unusual.
Bending so she was closer to eye level with the shut doors, Penny eyed the clock curiously. "What does it do?" She asked Nemo. "What is it hiding?"