The empty flat was a tempting offer. However, the paranoia of her cycle being a few days late left Fallon wary of taking him up on it. Neither of them were in any position to become parents, but especially she. An unmarried mother could never continue within the auror's office, as the only job fitting them was a wetnurse or a prostitute. Sex with Jesse was incredible, moreso than Fallon ever could've dreamed, but they had to exercise some sort of caution.
"Wine would be great." Whiskey would be even better, but she didn't trust herself not to take advantage of the empty flat with the sharp liquid pumping through her veins. "Snacks, too. I skipped lunch." She had practiced until the welcome witches could all be fooled.
She pulled herself from his grasp and settled upon the blankets, wishing she had thought to rid herself of her ministry robes before doing so. Pajamas seemed a better choice for this sort of picnic. "How did you convince Malou to gift us an evening alone?" Fallon asked once she had her wine glass in hand. Merlin, she hoped Malou found somewhere safe to retreat to for the night. She would have to say thank you in the morning.
"Wine would be great." Whiskey would be even better, but she didn't trust herself not to take advantage of the empty flat with the sharp liquid pumping through her veins. "Snacks, too. I skipped lunch." She had practiced until the welcome witches could all be fooled.
She pulled herself from his grasp and settled upon the blankets, wishing she had thought to rid herself of her ministry robes before doing so. Pajamas seemed a better choice for this sort of picnic. "How did you convince Malou to gift us an evening alone?" Fallon asked once she had her wine glass in hand. Merlin, she hoped Malou found somewhere safe to retreat to for the night. She would have to say thank you in the morning.