Concealment wasn't one of Fallon's strongsuits within her auror training. Combat? Sure. Law? Even better. But working within a disguise rather than being temporarily invisible was a challenge. Her lying abilities were iffy on a good day, nevermind when her life was quite literally on the line. There was no room for being average anymore. Fallon had to master it, and she had to master it yesterday.
She heeded his reminder about her eyebrows with a reluctant "thank you" and quickly turned them dirty blond to match her hair. Without figuring out how to darken her pale skintone, she felt limited with her hair colors. A rich brown would be too sharp a contrast, too noticable, for someone trying to stay undetected.
The exercise was simple, really. Welcome Witches weren't the most intuitive sort, and very few thought to question someone thoroughly enough to catch a great lie. Fallon remembered doing just that when she was initially training, nearly always choosing the same poor witch because of how gullible they were. Fallon wished she had paid more mind to the concealment classes then, for at least then she might've been spared the embarrassment of asking Selwyn for help.
Armed with her lie of meeting with Miss Goyle in the Beast Division, Fallon headed over to the desks and attempted to lie her way through. Which, would've worked had her charm on her bloody eyebrows held up. The welcome witch had nearly called security before Fallon flashed her auror's badge and explained the exercise. She hadn't wished to resort to such obvious measures, of course, but what else was there to be done? Fallon could hardly allow herself to be escorted from the property!
She marched back over to Selwyn with disappointment and frustration clear across her features. "Well, that was a failure," she muttered. "My bloody eyebrows gave me away - again."
She heeded his reminder about her eyebrows with a reluctant "thank you" and quickly turned them dirty blond to match her hair. Without figuring out how to darken her pale skintone, she felt limited with her hair colors. A rich brown would be too sharp a contrast, too noticable, for someone trying to stay undetected.
The exercise was simple, really. Welcome Witches weren't the most intuitive sort, and very few thought to question someone thoroughly enough to catch a great lie. Fallon remembered doing just that when she was initially training, nearly always choosing the same poor witch because of how gullible they were. Fallon wished she had paid more mind to the concealment classes then, for at least then she might've been spared the embarrassment of asking Selwyn for help.
Armed with her lie of meeting with Miss Goyle in the Beast Division, Fallon headed over to the desks and attempted to lie her way through. Which, would've worked had her charm on her bloody eyebrows held up. The welcome witch had nearly called security before Fallon flashed her auror's badge and explained the exercise. She hadn't wished to resort to such obvious measures, of course, but what else was there to be done? Fallon could hardly allow herself to be escorted from the property!
She marched back over to Selwyn with disappointment and frustration clear across her features. "Well, that was a failure," she muttered. "My bloody eyebrows gave me away - again."