Fallon grinned. Yeah, she could definitely get used to being his girl. Especially if it meant coming home to surprise birthday surprises like this. That Malou wasn't home must've meant that he had coordinated with her, another favorable strike. They so rarely had their respective flats to themselves that Fallon was almost greedy for it.
She leant back in his embrace to look about the room more intently. The vases of daisies were seemingly everywhere and the soft glow if the candles set her at ease. "Not bad for a first timer." Fallon answered cheekily. The spread was actually far better than not bad, but she just couldn't resist teasing him in turn. "Thank you." This time her tone was earnest, her expression genuine.
She leant back in his embrace to look about the room more intently. The vases of daisies were seemingly everywhere and the soft glow if the candles set her at ease. "Not bad for a first timer." Fallon answered cheekily. The spread was actually far better than not bad, but she just couldn't resist teasing him in turn. "Thank you." This time her tone was earnest, her expression genuine.