Phew. Jess exhaled finally when she ended the enchantments and he was looking down into those warm brown eyes he could get so easily lost in. He had half a mind to ask her to explain why they were necessary, but he'd only gotten vague answers in the past and frankly he didn't want to spark anything tonight other than to sweep her off her feet and let her enjoy her birthday.
"Ah there she is." He chuckled as she made her way over to him, enveloping her easily into his arms, second nature by now. "All mine, I wouldn't put so much effort in for just anyone." The teasing came just as naturally and he winked down at her. Birthdays hadn't been his thing after all, but he supposed that they were his thing now. Just the look on her face made it all worth it. "Did I do alright?" He rubbed one hand subconsciously down her back and back up as he surveyed his own spread once more.
"Ah there she is." He chuckled as she made her way over to him, enveloping her easily into his arms, second nature by now. "All mine, I wouldn't put so much effort in for just anyone." The teasing came just as naturally and he winked down at her. Birthdays hadn't been his thing after all, but he supposed that they were his thing now. Just the look on her face made it all worth it. "Did I do alright?" He rubbed one hand subconsciously down her back and back up as he surveyed his own spread once more.
![[Image: 3HhBWO.png]](https://*****.host/3HhBWO.png)
delicious biceps brought to you by MJ!