Ragge seemed to think himself very superior, didn’t he? Very magnanimous, like everyone on earth ought to be grateful for his generosity. He was being too kind about Miss Sells by half, and she wasn’t even in earshot. What was Sam supposed to do with that?
He supposed he could twist that compliment into something worth a whispered rumour.
Or be rude again. “And how are you going to make her giggle?” Sampson said contemptuously. Zaid had the rough-and-ready presence of a gardener, but even the maids would have to be thick to fall for his charm.
Not that Sam could do better, given he’d been cruel to half the housemaids’ faces before now, but. If he had so deigned, he could have out-charmed anyone. “Have Sells, then. Next to some of the guests,” - he meant the resort’s summer society crowd, obviously, and not the household dregs here - “she looks like her mother mated with a mountain troll.”
He supposed he could twist that compliment into something worth a whispered rumour.
Or be rude again. “And how are you going to make her giggle?” Sampson said contemptuously. Zaid had the rough-and-ready presence of a gardener, but even the maids would have to be thick to fall for his charm.
Not that Sam could do better, given he’d been cruel to half the housemaids’ faces before now, but. If he had so deigned, he could have out-charmed anyone. “Have Sells, then. Next to some of the guests,” - he meant the resort’s summer society crowd, obviously, and not the household dregs here - “she looks like her mother mated with a mountain troll.”