Sharing her system would be a new adventure for her, but Alice would willingly if it meant Cameron's success. "Can you owl for a new notebook? Or do you have a spare one?" She didn't have one to offer, the books were sparingly passed between the three school aged Dawson children. "I can go over how mine is set up with you and we can figure out what you like and dislike from it." Cameron wouldn't like every feature, seeing as she even had a calendar tucked in the very back to track her monthlies.
"We'll build your potions knowledge from the ground up. Perhaps Professor Valenduris would make an exception if you really proved your dedication to learning." He wouldn't, most likely, but she refused to let Cameron be discouraged from the start. "Potions is all about repetition and memorization, really. I can teach you my tricks to help." Alice and Edison both dreamed of the day Sloane and Cameron asked for help studying. She couldn't wait to relay the news to the prefect. "You can do this, I promise."
"We'll build your potions knowledge from the ground up. Perhaps Professor Valenduris would make an exception if you really proved your dedication to learning." He wouldn't, most likely, but she refused to let Cameron be discouraged from the start. "Potions is all about repetition and memorization, really. I can teach you my tricks to help." Alice and Edison both dreamed of the day Sloane and Cameron asked for help studying. She couldn't wait to relay the news to the prefect. "You can do this, I promise."