Didn't she, though? Neither Lachlan nor Jesse would be willing to wait forever, after all. Besides, drawing it out would only hurt her in the long run, as agonizing over the choices wasn't going to help any. "I do," Fallon muttered bitterly. "I wish I didn't, but I do." After work tonight. Merlin, how was she going to survive the day?
She reached for Malou's hand and gripped it tight. That the words were echoed from their history wasn't lost upon Fallon, though she couldn't mention that recognition now. "I need to get ready for work, first. Do you know any spells to get rid of this?" Fallon gestured towards her puffy face.
She reached for Malou's hand and gripped it tight. That the words were echoed from their history wasn't lost upon Fallon, though she couldn't mention that recognition now. "I need to get ready for work, first. Do you know any spells to get rid of this?" Fallon gestured towards her puffy face.