Rommy hummed in half-amusement, half-agreement, interested at that hypothesis of increased carelessness. “I wonder why that is. I can’t say I understand it.” There was probably nothing in it - patients came in waves and chaos, in no strict pattern or order - and quidditch could not be to blame for everything. That it was summer, perhaps?
She smiled before she took another bite of food, chewing carefully. It was probably why she and Marie-Louise got on well, that neither of them were particularly inclined to negligence or risk-taking. One could not afford to be very rash, as a healer, but even by a healer’s standards Rommy found some comfort in the other woman’s character. To that end, she added teasingly, guessing the answer would be the same as her own: “But then have you ever done anything careless in your life?”
She smiled before she took another bite of food, chewing carefully. It was probably why she and Marie-Louise got on well, that neither of them were particularly inclined to negligence or risk-taking. One could not afford to be very rash, as a healer, but even by a healer’s standards Rommy found some comfort in the other woman’s character. To that end, she added teasingly, guessing the answer would be the same as her own: “But then have you ever done anything careless in your life?”