"Yeah, like me." The agreement was as natural as breathing, and, as long as they both lived, she'd continue to check in with him. Eventually, the compulsion to do so wouldn't come daily. He would settle and move on with life and not require the mess that she was budding into his life. Such was the natural progression of life, Fallon wouldn't fault him for eventually wanting some space between them.
For now, though, she would be present for him. The silent vow seemingly echoed between them as she kept her warm brown eyes focused on his own. "I'll be there as long as you need me to be," she murmured with a smile in case the vow wasn't obvious enough.
Dry warmth, humid warmth, it made no difference to her so long as she was warm. Having never visited a beach (aside from the filthy waters of the Thames and the Black Lake) Fallon's imagination had run wild with the idea of the beach. A blistering sun, cloudless sky, lounging on the sand. It was the dream she clung to in their darkest hours. "I've never had the opportunity," she shrugged.
Pulling at the edges of her blanket tucked beneath her, Fallon silently offered him the other half of it. The blanket wasn't wide enough to cover them both in their position, but she'd manage without being bundled for the time being. Plus, there was always Jesse's scarf (as the fuzzy socks were already on her feet) if she grew desperate. "Sounds like the beginning of a cozy evening. A log cabin, steaming stew. Is that what your home on the Hebrides is like?"
For now, though, she would be present for him. The silent vow seemingly echoed between them as she kept her warm brown eyes focused on his own. "I'll be there as long as you need me to be," she murmured with a smile in case the vow wasn't obvious enough.
Dry warmth, humid warmth, it made no difference to her so long as she was warm. Having never visited a beach (aside from the filthy waters of the Thames and the Black Lake) Fallon's imagination had run wild with the idea of the beach. A blistering sun, cloudless sky, lounging on the sand. It was the dream she clung to in their darkest hours. "I've never had the opportunity," she shrugged.
Pulling at the edges of her blanket tucked beneath her, Fallon silently offered him the other half of it. The blanket wasn't wide enough to cover them both in their position, but she'd manage without being bundled for the time being. Plus, there was always Jesse's scarf (as the fuzzy socks were already on her feet) if she grew desperate. "Sounds like the beginning of a cozy evening. A log cabin, steaming stew. Is that what your home on the Hebrides is like?"