"Oh, she's a very dedicated healer," Fallon chuckled. With how many times Malou had patched her up it was difficult to imagine anything else. Such dedication worked out in her favor, anyway, since she so often needed quick healing. "I'd be a mess without her, and constantly in and out of the hospital." Being an auror had its downfalls, after all.
She sipped on her whiskey, and only scrunched her nose once at the burn. Despite how much she enjoyed the amber liquid, the bite always got her once. Perhaps the whiskey would allow Lachlan to sleep comfortably tonight. Though, the repercussions of falling into that habit could be dire. Fallon would make an utter fool of herself in his family home before allowing him to slip into such severe alcoholism. What else were friends for?
She missed the easiness of their conversations before the Arctic, back when everything still made some sort of sense. At least they weren't exchanging dark letters anymore. "Yeah, I'm okay. Been a long day today." She spent most of the afternoon watching the fireplace as planned. Her hands had only just stopped shaking an hour or so ago. Tomorrow would be better, though, as she would be presenting her birthday plan to Jesse. "Are you? Is it okay that we're here...? I just thought it'd be easier without so many other people around..."
She sipped on her whiskey, and only scrunched her nose once at the burn. Despite how much she enjoyed the amber liquid, the bite always got her once. Perhaps the whiskey would allow Lachlan to sleep comfortably tonight. Though, the repercussions of falling into that habit could be dire. Fallon would make an utter fool of herself in his family home before allowing him to slip into such severe alcoholism. What else were friends for?
She missed the easiness of their conversations before the Arctic, back when everything still made some sort of sense. At least they weren't exchanging dark letters anymore. "Yeah, I'm okay. Been a long day today." She spent most of the afternoon watching the fireplace as planned. Her hands had only just stopped shaking an hour or so ago. Tomorrow would be better, though, as she would be presenting her birthday plan to Jesse. "Are you? Is it okay that we're here...? I just thought it'd be easier without so many other people around..."