She didn't believe him for a second. The bruises were everywhere, and he had more bandages than she could count. It was the same lies she told throughout the past month, being fine. A lie meant to comfort rather than heal. With a skeptical look, Fallon dropped down into the chair and inched it closer to the bed. With that many bruises her shifting the mattress to get closer to him just wasn't a possibility.
"Farm equipment?" She echoed. Never before had Fallon considered farm equipment capable of such damage. "How many broken bones?" That would be the true test to see how terribly off he was. One or two was manageable, more than that was miserable.
She eventually stopped assessing him as the realization occurred that she was looking at his bare arms sunk in. Even in the caves with Lachlan, Fallon had never seen a man in such a state of undress. Her mouth ran dry, a faint blush graced her cheeks. "Don't worry about writing me," she waved off his apology once she was finally able to avert her gaze. "I'm just glad you're alive."
"Farm equipment?" She echoed. Never before had Fallon considered farm equipment capable of such damage. "How many broken bones?" That would be the true test to see how terribly off he was. One or two was manageable, more than that was miserable.
She eventually stopped assessing him as the realization occurred that she was looking at his bare arms sunk in. Even in the caves with Lachlan, Fallon had never seen a man in such a state of undress. Her mouth ran dry, a faint blush graced her cheeks. "Don't worry about writing me," she waved off his apology once she was finally able to avert her gaze. "I'm just glad you're alive."